Net Zero Portfolio

a holistic, affordable approach to decarbonisation

Fully-funded, whole-house decarbonisation retrofit for your entire housing portfolio*

Kensa has been working with Octopus and Legal & General to develop a comprehensive, effective solution for local authorities who are seeking to rapidly achieve net zero on their housing stock.

We have a long history delivering successful energy efficient retrofit projects with social housing providers and we are well aware of the complex and sometimes conflicting issues of fuel poverty, environmental responsibility and resource management.

That is why we have developed a fully funded, whole house retrofit offer that, for no upfront cost to the local authority can reduce carbon emissions by up to 96% and, deliver tenant energy bill savings of over £50 per month.

Our holistic approach to decarbonisation benefits from economies of scale to deliver cost effective insulation, PV, batteries and heat pumps to reduce running costs, improve health outcomes and increase asset value. Furthermore, we are offering a full maintenance and replacement package to compliment the installation for the duration of the contract.

If this sounds like an offer you would be interested in email Kensa Utilities.

*Offer dependant on geographical area and property locations.

Case studies:

Daisyfield, Together Housing

Kensa partnered with Together Housing as part of widescale a 3-year retrofit programme of their housing stock to maintain their residents’ comfort and safety, save them money on heating bills, and move away from fossil fuel reliance. At Daisyfield Towers, night storage heaters were replaced with ground source heat pumps, along with the installation of new fire safety doors and sprinklers.

“This was a challenging and complex project combining replacing the heating system with installing a sprinkler system, new alarm system and upgrading the buildings’ electrical infrastructure. All of this was completed with the tenants in their homes. We are delighted to be working with Kensa to both manage and deliver this project for the benefit of our tenants and the decarbonisation of our stock.” Patrick Berry, Managing Director, Together Energy Services

Thurrock Council

Kensa worked with Thurrock Council to replace night storage heaters with ground source heat pumps, which are three times more energy efficient, across three high-rise social housing tower blocks, comprising 273 residences. The project will reduce fuel bills by over 50% for some Thurrock residents, protecting them from the energy crisis and the risk of falling into fuel poverty.

“Getting the households at Chadwell St Mary up and running with a renewable heating system is a milestone that should be celebrated. Kensa’s ground source heat pumps are providing residents with reliable, efficient and future-proofed heating which utilises the natural heat in the ground. This innovative project will help make these homes warmer and greener and drive down fuel bills.” Cllr Luke Spillman, Thurrock Council’s Cabinet Member for Housing

The Problem we must solve

Over 300 local authorities* have declared Climate Emergencies and a third have developed strategies and action plans to deliver ambitious targets by 2030 and 2050. More than half of these have a Net Zero target date of 2030. This is less than seven years away!

  • >50% of emissions are from buildings (mostly heating)
  • 85% of homes heated by fossil fuels

  • 3.3 million households (13.4%) in the UK in fuel poverty and choosing to ‘heat or eat’
  • Rising energy & heating bills exacerbating the problem

  • High capital cost of decarbonisation, shrinking opportunities for subsidy
  • Current funding schemes don’t go far enough to cover the cost of decarbonisation
  • 28 million homes need green retrofitting by 2050, costing £100bns

Comparison of Pathways to net zero

2023 carbon intensity based on SAP, 2030 carbon intensity based on BEIS data tables

Annual CO2 Emissions From Typical Social Rental House


Annual CO2 Emissions From Typical Social Rental House

Kensa’s expertise can help solve these challenges

Which measures?

For your specific stock, challenges and environment, what are the right measures?

Build pathways for your specific stock, highlighting the impact on carbon, running cost, EPC

How to coordinate it all?

Challenge linking different companies, supply chains and solutions across insulation, PV, heating etc.

Kensa has retrofitted 5,000+ social homes with heat pumps, insulation, fire safety, PV and more

How to finance it?

Retrofit works are costly, with limited additional borrowing capacity and limited public funding.

Legal & General and Octopus backing enables fully off-balance sheet funding for ~£100/month/property.

Financing the required measures

Our model builds the net-zero pathway for your specific housing stock, in a phased approach

Net-zero ready pathway

Lowest carbon at the lowest running cost for tenants – tackling CO2 and fuel poverty

  • Measures include (where relevant):
  • GSHP
  • ASHP (where properties are spaced out)
  • Insulation (generally cavity, loft)
  • Solar PV
  • Batteries
  • Controls

As part of this offer, Kensa Utilities is offering maintenance and replacement of the system components for the duration of the contract, reducing the cost and complexity of asset management.

Massive social benefits driven from this investment

Fuel Poverty

Large fuel bill savings, tackling fuel poverty at scale


Significant improvements from better heating & less damp/mold illnesses

LA Asset Management

Less damp/mould damage, improving asset management & home value

Local Green Jobs

Many local green jobs created & trained to support the retrofit program, including apprenticeships

Arrears & Bill Payment

Residents more able to pay their bills, leading to lower arrears/collections issues